New To Hosting or Struggling To Get Booked? Here’s How To Get 90-100% Occupancy All Year Round, While Boosting Earnings... With The “Irresistible Booking Advantage

Discover the game-changing system that catapults you to elite host status, so you can achieve a year-round predictable income, boost your earnings by $300-$2,000 every month, and surpass the experienced hosts.

Dear Airbnb hosts,

If you're just starting out or have been in the game for a while, reading this will set yourself apart from the 90% of Airbnb hosts struggling to get fully booked, especially during low seasons.

This is for hosts who wants to skyrocket their bookings and earnings, leave their competitors in the dust, and surpass the experienced hosts.

Forget joining Airbnb Facebook groups, watching endless YouTube videos, spending DAYS building a website, listing on other platforms, or blaming the "economy" when things aren’t working out.

You’ll gain a massive advantage, demand higher rates, get bookings ON DEMAND, and NEVER have to worry about an empty calendar again.

Imagine being at a level far above other hosts, going from a few sparse bookings to a fully packed calendar two months out at premium rates.


My name is Andrew Ou, and for the past 11+ years I've been doing Airbnb for my mom as a Superhost, I've able to help her get a fully booked calendar all year round while earning top dollars. Because of this. I was able to help her retire before the age of 65.

This is my system, Full Booking Formula. And what I am going to reveal to you, is one of my secrets, the “IRRESISTIBLE BOOKING ADVANTAGE” - which if used properly, will change your Airbnb and your earnings FOREVER.

Here’s just how POWERFUL this “Irresistible Booking Advantage” is, and what WINNING looks like with my system

  • You’ll get fully booked months while your competitors are scraping by with sporadic bookings. This means adding between $300 to $2000+ a month, every month

  • You’ll get consistent booking during low seasons while leaving your competitors scratching their heads

  • You’ll get bookings on DEMAND

  • You’ll feel confident and safe because you have FULL CONTROL over your income on Airbnb

  • You’ll be standing by the sidelines because YOU KNOW what other’s don’t

  • You’ll experience all of this by NOT doing all the strategies that other hosts are doing with little or no success

This is a screenshot of my calendar, fully booked, in low season (Winter of January 2024).

And this is how to this day, I have gotten a 90-100% occupancy rate all year round.

But it wasn't always this easy... Here's my story

Believe it or not, I was in a situation just like you and many other hosts.

In the summer of 2013, I helped my mom start an Airbnb with her empty rooms in the house. It was the high season, so our calendars were packed, and we were making lots of money. It felt really good because things were going so well.

But when fall came, everything changed...

From getting a packed calendar and earning upwards of $3,000 per month, suddenly, things have gotten quiet, and we were barely making a few hundred a month.

We were doing great, but now that things had slowed down, she became quite worried.

Like all the other hosts facing similar situations, she started trying to make sense of it all.

“Maybe there’s just not enough travelers this season," she said, noting that her friends also experienced the same downturn.

“Something must be really wrong,” she sighed.

In desperation, she even contacted Airbnb a few times to find out why our listings weren’t getting any more bookings.

Eventually, like everyone else, she could do nothing except blame the economy. She had even thought of giving up and just putting it on the regular rental market.

To be honest, that season was tough. And since I managed the listings while she handled the guests, I felt like I let her down.

I took a step back, because I knew things NEEDED to change

I was determined to make it happen because I knew this wasn’t the end. I brainstormed relentlessly and tested various strategies. Everything transformed when I discovered and perfected the Full Booking Formula—it changed everything for us.

But first, I have to tell you the truth and what not to do if you ACTUALLY want to get fully booked.

Truth #1: If you need to spend hours each week trying to advertise your listing on platform which was already has MILLIONS of visitors, then something is wrong.

Because if you can’t even get bookings on Airbnb's own platform, how can you expect to do better elsewhere? This is REALLY important.

Here’s what others have tried with little success:

  • Listing on, VRBO, or running paid advertisement

  • Changing things over and over again

  • Spending hours researching, or asking around on how to get more bookings

  • Thinking of putting on the regular rental market

  • Wasting time and money building a website. This is the WORST thing you could do.

  • Lowering their prices (This is the last thing you should)

Many hosts do this because:

  • They think it's the economy

  • They’re not getting enough bookings

  • They think they need more traffic. You don’t. You need to CONVERT your visitors.

  • They’re following the noise of what everyone else is saying, and this is VERY Dangerous

Despite doing all of this? They end up wasting more time and money, while losing out on months of income This means losing out on THOUSANDS of dollars EACH MONTH.

Here's an example of how much income you may be missing out over a 6 month period with a 1-bed condo (for example)

With a 35% occupancy

October: $700

November: $700
December: $700

January: $700
February: $700

March: $700

Total: $4,200

With a 90-100% occupancy

October: $2,000

November: $2,000
December: $2,000

January: $2,000
February: $2,000

March: $2,000

Total: $12,000

That's a whooping $7,800 Difference!

Now imagine what you're missing with a 2 bedroom, or a house!

Even if you DO create a beautiful website for your listing, what’s next?



Where are you going to traffic from?

Simply put, we weren't meant to spend hours marketing on a platform which already has millions of visitors who are already LOOKING for a place to stay.

Truth #2: It has nothing to do with the economy

Just like when COVID hit and the economy was at its worst, many businesses failed. But those who knew how to adapt thrived with explosive growth.

That’s because they understood the game.

In the same way, we want to maximize our chances of winning in Airbnb and leave nothing to chance. Once you grasp this, everything will change.

And This is EXACTLY what I’m going to show you

From earning thousands during summer to just a few hundred in the winter low season, we bounced back next year to earning thousands again, all the way from October to April, and even more during the summer.

Over the past 11 years of doing Airbnb, we've managed to stay fully booked ALL year-round.

This is because we knew the secret that allowed us to outperform our neighbors every. single. time.

Airbnb has the largest market share, so mastering it means you won't need to rely on other platforms.

If you do need other platforms, it should all be a bonus at this point.

Full Transparency here...

This is what our earnings looked like in 2022 with just 3 spare bedrooms, and a fully packed calendar at TOP dollars..

and this is especially during the dead of winter in December, while all our neighbors are seeing an empty calendar for months.

We've been through all the seasons and had all the reasons to get shut down.

For example:

  • New regulations season

  • Low season

  • COVID season

  • You NAME it

Regardless, we CONTINUE to get fully booked all year round despite all our neighbors and competitors struggling with little bookings.

My mom only owns one property.

We don't drive fancy cars.

But for the past 11 years, I've helped her retire with a booming Airbnb business that rakes in steady, reliable income, rain or shine. I've done the same with my condo and have then helped other hosts get their homes and fully booked while earning top dollar.

Here's what the results may looks

✅ Spare bedroom: $300/month → $1,300/month

✅ 1 Bed condo: $700/month → $3,000/month

✅ 2 Bed condo: $1,000/month → $3,500/month

✅ Entire home $1,500/month → $4,000/month

✅ Getting few bookings → Outcompeting the seasoned hosts

Now I'll stop talking about it and show you some actual results.

My Airbnb Profile

My Mom and I at Tulip Festival in 2018

Our Client Results


"Our Airbnb was dry for months and nothing was getting better. After making the changes Andrew suggest, we're getting our first inquiries and bookings for this month! That's a $2300 upside!"

Nira L.

Airbnb Host - Single home owner


"A HUGE difference. We were only doing about $2500/mo because of a 70% occupancy rate. After applying the strategies here, we're bumping up to $3,000 next month! This has paid for itself and so much more!"

Arjun V.

Airbnb Host - Property Manager

Ian M. from Canada was relatively new to Airbnb.

After getting little to no bookings for over a year, he is sold out for the rest of the 2024 and seeing a $1,500-2,000+ increase from EACH of his 2 listing. That' an additional $18,000 per year.

Taken July 2024

Ian M. from Ontario, Canada

1bd, 2bd unit owner

Added at least an additional $18,000 by filling up 2 of his listings during low seasons, earning $1,500-$2,000/month for each of his listings for over 6 months.

Bojan M. from Quebec, Canada


✅Added an extra $2,000/month by increasing his occupancy rate by 25% in the slow seasons.

Flora L. from Canada

2 spare bedrooms
✅ Added an extra $7,200 by getting fully booked for her 2 spare bedrooms during low seasons between October and April, earning $600/month each.

Arjun V. from California, United States

1bd, multiple listings.

✅Added an extra $6,000 by increasing his occupancy and earnings, which added $500 per month for the entire year. He's not applying the foundation from Full Booking Formula to his multiple properties for higher earnings.

Now, the choice is yours

You can either continue to follow what everyone else is doing, and spend months with loss of opportunity trying to figure it out with no guarantee of success.


You can take your first step, apply to work with me and my team in the Full Booking Formula, a program designed to help you achieve maximum occupancy and boost your Airbnb earnings with expert guidance from Andrew Ou, a 10+ year Airbnb Superhost.

You'll leave your competitors in the dust while you enjoy a fully booked calendar with a steady income all year round.

Want to know if we're a fit?

You'll get the BEST results if:

  • You're just starting out, or have a been running an Airbnb for less than 5 years

  • You've got anything from spare bedrooms, studios, 1-3 bedroom condos, or an entire house, but not a luxury villa.

  • You're getting low bookings or earnings and want to to get fully booked, especially during low seasons

  • You want a guidance, and solid foundation that gets you long-term success from day one

  • You have no problem getting occupancy, but want to boost your earnings

  • You want to get a massive advantage that boosts you to the top 5% of Airbnb hosts, and earn like the top 5% with a predictable income all year round.

Seasoned host?

Depending on your listing and situation, we may be able to help too. Schedule a call to learn more.

Curious about how it works? Keep reading

Here’s what you’ll experience when you work with me in The Full Booking Formula

ROI Guarantee & Work With You Guarantee

We are dedicated to ensuring our clients achieve the best possible results and take their success very seriously. Unlike other programs or coaches that may not have delivered, we offer one-on-one personalized support, continued collaboration until you achieve your return on investment, along with a performance guarantee.

Step 1: Untapped Insights

In this stage, we’ll help you identify your blind spots, competition gaps, and help you uncover your advantages so you’re prepared to win.

Step 2: Irresistible Booking Advantage

In this stage, hosts learn the secrets that allows you to compete at the next level, attracts premium guests, maximize potential revenue, and YES’s.

Step 3: Shifting The Curve

In this stage, hosts learn about using different strategies to get booking on demand, fill out their calendars and get a predictable, consistent income, all year round.

This part allows you to make the SHIFT of where you compete and who you compete for.

Shortcut to Success Blueprint

At the same time. I will perform an analysis of your listing, and give you a blueprint of EXACTLY what you need to do to WIN.

This means you’ll have a customized step-by-step plan that eliminates guesswork, shorten time to success, position yourself ABOVE your neighbors, and CRUSH the competition.

I'll personally meet with you 1-on-1 over zoom so you FULL access to my expertise.

Join The Full Booking Formula Today

  • If you want your property consistently booked all year long.

  • If you want expert guidance to get clarity with hosting challenges and uncertainties.

  • If you want the secret advantage that helps you earn $1000's during the slow seasons regardless of the economy.

  • Separate yourself from the competition while leaving your neighbors scratching their heads.

  • So you can enjoy steady, predictable income for months and years to come KNOWING you can get books on demand.

Then Get Access to Full Booking Formula Today

Click the button below, answer a few questions on the pages to follow… and I’ll meet you very soon

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Andrew's experience in working with different properties?

In the past, I have started with my mom's spare bedroom and other spare rooms when I rented an entire house, consistently getting them fully booked year-round for ten years. When I applied the same principles to my one-bedroom condo, I was able to achieve the same result, and do so on demand as well. Since starting this program, I have helped about 20 other hosts with various properties like 2-3br homes, including entire homes, to increase their bookings and earnings.

The reason for this is once you understand how to shift where you compete and get The Irresistible Booking Advantage, you can apply that regardless of the type of property you have, and be at the top of the competition.

How is this program different from others and how will it work?

Often, hosts are missing a number of shifts which include the positioning of the Airbnb listing, the targeting, psychological appeal, pricing optimization, strategy, length of stay, etc and all of these can amount to not achieving the maximum earnings. This means means hosts are missing out on hundreds of dollars or even thousands of dollars when their earnings are under-optimized across multiple listings.

As I mentioned in my video, it's also not about using other platforms like VRBO or Booking because if we can't get fully booked on Airbnb, how can you expect to get booked on other platforms?

By shifting the competition and getting an Irresistible Booking Advantage, we stack our chances and that prepares us for maximum success on the platform.

How much time do I get with Andrew?

We have two programs- One is the course only, while the other is a one-on-one with me.

if you work with me, I will give you as much time as you need, because I truly believe in helping my clients get results or they don't deserve my money. HOWEVER, usually after the first call, you'll know the EXACTLY the steps you need to take to see results because there are often blind spots that I can spot immediately.

After speaking with my team on the call, the next step is DIRECTLY working with me if you are doing the on-on-one.

It is then about taking action, and focusing on making the proper changes that will drive your results. Most of the time, after understanding the shifts and strategies, hosts are able to run with it, and achieve results to the point where they no longer need my assistance as much.

Do your method include running Facebook ads?

If anyone tells you running Facebook ads we'll solve the problem, I'd be very weary. The problem with Facebook ads is that most people who are scrolling through Facebook are not looking for a place to stay because that's simply not our intention when we use Facebook. When people are specifically looking for a place to stay, they'll be using Airbnb. This means we shouldn't be wasting our money advertising to people on the wrong platform with the wrong intent and we should really be conquering Airbnb as the platform first before doing anything else.

Do your method include building a website?

Many have spent weeks or days building a website thinking that it will bring them more results. However, the moment you finish building a website, you'll realize you face another immediate challenge: traffic: you have no visitors and you'll will need to spend months marketing it just to see zero results again. This defeats the purpose.

In the same way, every time you are looking for a place to stay, you'll likely be using the well known sites such as Expedia, Airbnb, or Booking because you trust them over a direct booking website.

You'll very rarely stumble upon a a direct booking website unless you have stayed there before. This is why direct booking websites don't work and they are a complete waste of time.

Should I use VRBO or Booking?

If you're not seeing much success on Airbnb, there must be something fundamentally wrong with your overall listing. If you can't get a decent amount of bookings on Airbnb alone, don't expect to be able to get more booking on other platforms. It's like working with a poor product- no amount of marketing can sell it. I strongly recommend that we should do our best to conquer Airbnb platform first, before going on other platforms.

Personally, I have never needed to list my property on other platforms because I can get fully booked on Airbnb alone. When the times comes that I do need to, it should be a bonus at that point.

How much time will it take to see results? Can you guarantee results?

This is a coaching/course program, which means you'll need to put in effort if you want different outcomes. That depends on how quickly you take action as well.

While I can't guarantee results for everyone, I can confidently say that my proven strategies have helped numerous hosts achieve higher occupancy rates and increased earnings. The success stories of my clients speak for themselves.

In addition, because you are here and reading this, there is a good chance your listing is missing key elements, leaving significant gaps in your potential bookings and earnings. This gives us plenty of opportunities to improve and see a better upside in both earnings and bookings.

We also have a strong performance guarantee because I care about my clients success and we'll tell you more about the details in our strategy session.

Should I wait to get an Airbnb up and running first before enrolling in this program?

The good thing about is this program is that it will get you in the right direction especially if you are in the process of setting up. This means you will benefit from getting the right foundation, prevent having to redo things, like taking new photos, or rework your listing, which saves you time.

How much does this program cost?

It depends, as we offer different programs based on the level of support you need. You can choose to work with me one-on-one for personalized guidance, or opt for the course-only option with some support included.

In some cases, you can make your investment back with just several nights of bookings, and this sets you up to earn more and more for the rest of the year and beyond.


About Andrew Ou

Hey Everyone! My name is Andrew. I’m a Superhost who helps Airbnb hosts unlock consistent year-round bookings and higher earnings with my Full Booking Formula.

In the past 11 years I've been doing Airbnb, I've been able to get it a 90-100% occupancy rate all year round.

Because of this, I've been able to help my mom retire before she hit 65, working 1 day a week (entirely by her choice, she got bored of retirement actually lol 😊) 


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